Finding clarity from the depths opens up new possibilities
A rich palette of methods and forms enables me to support you in clarifying your issues so that you can move forward strengthened and confident. Creative media open up deep as well as new insights. Upon request I design rituals.
Every person is unique. That is why a person-centered approach is important to me, i.e. we focus on your very special, personal life situation and history, your wishes and goals, what makes you tick. Every accompaniment is different, a new path, a new journey.
With a resource- and solution-oriented, psychodynamic process accompaniment, I accompany you on your individual path:
A path of self-encounter, self-awareness, self-knowledge self-acceptance and self-partnering
Coaching / Therapy: In addition to conversations, there are other possibilities, always according to need, necessity, suitability and your interest:
- work with the Subconscious (hypnosis, trance, focusing, active imagination, dreams, etc.), regression and progression
- intermedial Art-therapeutic approaches: art, image, sound, word, poetry, music, movement as means of expression
- Laying on of hands: Experiencing the unconditional acceptance, dignity and appreciation of you as a person.
- Spirituality: meditation, contemplation, mindfulness, prayer and rituals. Support to find, strengthen and live your personal form of spirituality
Supervision / Coaching: for all professionals who are professionally engaged with and for others (e.g. management positions, social, medical, therapeutic, church/religious, teaching professions): Reflection and stimulation using a variety of methods.
Rituals: shaping, anchoring and celebrating transitions, farewells, turning points, new beginnings in life. In addition to the classic moments (birth of a child, birthday, transition to adulthood, wedding, death and mourning), there are other, decisive moments in our lives where a ritual can provide healing support along the way.